Episode 6: Sarah
Sarah is a friend that brightens the world around her. School teacher to the incarcerated children from three counties, yoga instructor to all willing souls in her community, and lens into the world of having, surviving, and plainly describing the experience of a breast cancer diagnosis, Sarah is difficult to describe concisely. She is complex to say the least. Annie and I spent an afternoon recounting many of the important turns in Sarah's life. She's a gem and if you've ever met her, count yourself lucky. I do.
Episode 5: Chris Cloyd
Chris is an old friend whom I've now worked with on and off for around 12 years. Being of my exact age (being born the summer of 1980) and having spent most of his formative years in a quiet midwestern town almost identical to my own setting in those years, we always find endless topics to discuss when we have the time.
What's always intrigued me about Chris is his fascination with professional wrestling and horror movies. Most people can name the highlights if they have any interest in those fields, but this guy can go all night quoting dates, cities, directors, writers, and actors/stars. It's so fun to get him started on these topics.
Episode 4: Curtis Maples
I describe Curtis Maples to friends as a professional knowledge sponge. I'm sure you know the type. Curtis is always fascinating to me, whether we are talking about his work projects or extra curricular activities. Annie sat in to co-host this episode and it was great. Thanks so much to her for spending the afternoon with us.
Curtis had hinted to me in the past that his childhood story was a wild ride for someone that ended up where he finds himself today. That was an understatement if there ever was one! Enjoy this winding story of a gifted kid navigating a world that was at first completely foreign to him.
Curtis can be found on Twitter @shimminykricket
Episode 3: Annie Warner
Annie is a dear friend whose adventure in life is fit for a novel. She has her own law firm, doing special needs planning work along with estates and trusts. She’s frankly amazing. This conversation provides a great insight into the mind of someone smart enough to follow their heart, occasionally make her own dreams come true, and find the humor in it when they fall short.
We cover the daily stresses involved with raising young children, the workplace stresses of being productive and competent in your chosen professional arena, and every single friggin thing in between, or at least almost everything.
Annie’s firm, Warner Law Firm, can be found here.
Episode 2: Elizabeth & Nicholas Stockhauser
Elizabeth is in the process of turning a childhood knack for sewing into a thriving business altering wedding dresses for brides all over the greater Cincinnati area. Her seamstress skills along with help from her digital marketing guru husband, Nicholas, are turning her once hobby into a quickly growing business.
We get into early phases of the business, skills Elizabeth and Nick had to acquire to get over the various hurdles along the way, and hopes/dreams for not only St. Clare’s Closet, but also the business incubator/accelerator Nick and his team at Magis Guild are building. Thanks for coming out to the camp, Elizabeth and Nick! We will keep an eye on your future moves and probably ask you to come back for an update in a few years.
Elizabeth’s company, St. Clare’s Closet, can be found here.
Nick’s company, Magis Guild, will have a link here as soon as it is available.
Episode 1: Jaime Castle
Jaime is the political hero we all want, but might not deserve. Accomplished teacher for Cincinnati Public Schools, mom of two, and active political figure in the Cincinnati landscape, she answers the call we all make every election cycle, for higher quality candidates that are running for the right reasons.
We get into childhood, early political ambitions (or lack thereof) and the difficulties of raising a working class family and running a political campaign. This show endorses no candidates or parties, simply delving into the personal stories of anyone worth knowing. Jaime fits the bill. Thanks for coming out to The Camp, Jamie!
Aside from a fun afternoon of leisure and conversation, I even dragged Jaime along for a walk to recover the kids’ go kart which they left parked in a field on the camp grounds!
The Camp Uible Podcast is a simple podcast for people with the free time to listen to a long form conversation with everyday people.
No celebrities; not the mayor, or the governor… Just people like you and I, making their way, paying their bills, and pursuing their goals. Whether they are working class folks, entrepreneurs, or somewhere in between, they all have a story worth hearing. The show format is simple. I invite people out to relax on the grounds of Camp Uible, to play, swim, relax, and have a conversation away from the distractions and stresses of their daily life.